Everyday Plus Car Insurance covers accidental loss or damage anywhere in New Zealand. With no stand-down periods and easy to understand policy wording, Autosure Everyday Plus Car Insurance is the no-fuss solution to your comprehensive insurance needs.
We know your vehicle is often an essential part of your life and understand that sinking feeling you get when something happens to it. Our Everyday Plus Car Insurance policy and customer-focused claims team will help you pay for those nasty repairs and get you back on your wheels again.

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) protects you for the repayment of your loan obligations to the financier if you suffer an insured event. The policy cover options are specific to your source of income at the time of entering into a credit contract. The benefits are payable directly to your financier.

The main risk with having finance is if something happens to your ability to earn money. PPI can protect you, your family and your credit rating if the worst happens. ACC covers accidents and injuries, paying up to 80% of your income – in addition PPI can help you with your finance related costs.

Guaranteed Asset Protection Insurance (GAP) protects you against losses that may occur when your vehicle is declared a total loss and the total loss settlement amount paid by your vehicle insurer is less than the outstanding amount you owe to your financier for your vehicle loan. The maximum shortfall is to cover this difference in amounts, and we may also pay additional benefits which will help cover associated incidental costs.

Mechanical Breakdown Insurance (MBI) covers the reasonable cost to repair the failure of mechanical or electrical components of your vehicle, as a result of a sudden and unforeseen breakdown that occurs during normal use in New Zealand, unless otherwise excluded in the policy book.

Refinancing can be a good option to reduce your annual interest rate, saving you money in the long run and helping to pay off your debt faster. Make sure you consider fees to repay your existing debt early, and any additional fees in securing the new finance.

Yes, some lenders will have fees and charges within their loan contracts if your loan is repaid before the term of the loan. So check the fine print before signing your contract.

We work hard with our clients to collect all the right information up front before we assess the application. Our team will work hard to get your finance approved in the same day. Time frame is applied to the different situation.

We work hard with our clients to collect all the right information up front before we assess the application. Our team will work hard to get your finance approved in the same day. Time frame is applied to the different situation.

Our minimum loan amount is $2,000. And the maximum amount you can borrow within this range depends on your personal circumstances and affordability. The max term we can offer 7 years.

It’s important to borrow only what you need and ensure you can comfortably meet your repayment obligations for the term of your loan. Our team is expert at helping you determine your personal borrowing sweet spot.

As long as your income is over $500 per week. We can always give a try.

If you over 20 years old. Have full time job and income over $550 a week. We can help you.

Having bad credit can indeed present challenges when seeking approval for financing. However, a vehicle loan can help mitigate some of the risks for lenders because there is collateral that can be claimed if the loan is not repaid.

While approval is not guaranteed, having a vehicle to use as security does open up more options for obtaining financing. If you’re considering a vehicle loan with bad credit, it’s important to explore your options carefully and work with lenders who specialize in financing for individuals with less-than-perfect credit histories.